George Davis and his family
had made the journey to Texas. They found
a land wild and untamed beyond their wildest
dream. He described Gonzales as the most
beautify land I ever beheld with plenty
of timber for every purpose. Good water
and plenty of it. In less than four years
Davis found himself caught up in the Texas
Revolution. Mexico had cut off all Anglo
immigration and was trying to recall some
of the land grants. The people of Gonzales
found a loop hole in immigration law and
were able to hold on to their property but
the future of his dream was at risk. George
Davis had been appointed secretary to the
Committee of Safety and wrote this letter
asking for assistance at Gonzales.
Correspondence Between The Committees of
Safety, Gonzales & San Felipe:
I am directed by the Committee of Safety
of Gonzales to address you for the purpose
of procuring immediate assistance to repel
an expected attack of the enemy. The circumstances
which influence us to this measures are
these: A demand at the insistence of Ugartechea,
has been made for a piece of cannon, which
has been in this town upwards of four years.
This cannon is not needed in Bexar, for
they have eighteen pieces there, all unmounted,
besides those which they have mounted; this
piece was given to us unconditionally, as
we are informed, for the defense of the
colony. From every circumstance and from
information, we are justified in believing
that this demand is only made to get a pretext
to make a sudden inroad attack upon this
colony for marauding and other purposes.
The Alcalde, with the approbation of the
people, has refused to deliver up the cannon;
and we are satisfied that as soon as Colonel
Ugartechea is informed of the fact, he will
immediately send a force against this colony
at least , thinking us to weak to resist
him. We therefore earnestly request you
to send what force you can collect immediately
to our assistance. You need make no delay
about provision, for we have plenty at your
service. The time we think is most pressing,
and the occasion most urgent.
By order of the committee
G.W.Davis, Secretary
From San Felipe, San Felipe de Austin, September
"The Committee of the Jurisdiction
of Austin has received the communication
directed to the Committee of Safety of Mina
by you, in the name of the people of Gonzales,
under date of the 25th inst. stating that
Colonel Ugartechea had made a demand for
the piece of cannon at that place, and that
the people are justified in believing that
this demand is only made to get a pretext
to make a sudden inroad and attack upon
that colony for marauding and other purposes;"
in consequence of which those people request
assistance to aid in repelling an attack
should one be made.
The present movement of the people of Texas
are of a popular and voluntary character
in defense of their constitutional rights
which are threatened by military invasion
of an unconstitutional character. The people
are acting on the defensive, and therefore,
there cannot be a doubt, that it was correct
in the people of Gonzales, under this principle,
to detain the piece of cannon which was
given to them by the authorities of a constitutional
government to defend themselves and the
country if necessary.
On this principle the people of this, and
of every other section of the country, as
for as this committee is informed, are ready
to fly at a moment's warning to the defense
of those people should they be attacked.
Companies of volunteers have already marched,
and more are in readiness, should they be
needed, to repel an attack.
This committee beg leave to suggest that
inasmuch as the position taken by the country
up to the present, is purely defensive,
it is very important to keep this principle
constantly in view, and to avoid making
attacks unless they should be necessary
as a measure of defense.
Yours respectfully
S. F. Austin Chairman of Committee.
The Battle
of Gonzales October 2,1835
General Orders
After the Battle of Gonzales the Texas Army
now was on the march to Bexar with S. F.
Austin in command.
General Orders
Camp, 3rd Sunday Oct. 15th 1835:
1. In the case of alarm on the march, the
advance rear guard will from in the rear
of the center, and will take charge of all
the horses and tie them up or hobble them;
and in case the army is encamped in a square,
the guard will herd the horses in the rear
of the encampment.
2. Every man must have a rope tied around
the neck of his horse and incase of his
not having one, he must have a hobbling
string tied on.
3. Each captain will study detail, daily,
one man for every ten, to take charge of
the horses of his company, in case of alarm,
when mounted, and drive them to the center
and deliver them to the guards-- after performing
which services they will return to their
respective companies.
by Morris G. Hall
S. F. Austin, Commander in Chief

The Battle
of Bexar
Gonzales Mounted
Volunteer Ranging Company Convention Hall
San Felipe de Austin Nov. 9th 1835
Mr. G. W. Davis
The following report and resolution of a
Committee appointed by the convention, to
report upon expediency of extending the
line of rangers, were — day —
to the House, read and adopted.
To the Honorable "The Chairman, delegates
of The Consultation of all Texas in General
Convention ——
Your Committee to whom —commits f
reporting on the resolution of Mr. Clements
having for its request of extending the
line of rangers, have had the advice under
Consideration, and beg leave to report the
following resolution.
Resolved, that they, recognize the acts
of the General Council and that subject
for the present line of rangers be extended
from the Colorado river to the Cibolo with
a company of trusty rangers under the Superintendency
of George W. Davis, who shall be governed
by the same resolution, and instruction
of the other superintendencey here to fore
given, and that the said George W. Davis
make the peace of rendezvous at the place
known by the name of The Big Spring, or
head of San Marcus river
Your committee further recommended that
the said Superintendent be authorized to
draw on Ishu Lott at Washington for, ammunition,
or at any other place where public ammunition
may be deposited in such quantity as may
be by him thought sufficient for the supply
of his company.
By another resolution adopted by the Convention
it was made the duty of its president to
cause the above to be communicated to you
for your instruction.
B. T. Archer
George Davis
commissioned by Henry Smith, Gov. to install
Andrew Ponton first Judge and Charles Lockhart
as Second Judge of the Municipality of Gonzales
To George W. Davis, Esq.
In the name of the people free and Sovereign.
You are hereby appointed a commission to
administer the oath of office prescribed
by the Original Law of the provisional Government
of Texas to the citizensAndrew Ponton as
first Judge and Charles Lockhart as second
Judge of the municipality of Gonzales. To
install them in office and to deliver to
them their respective commissions which
are herewith handed forwarded to you.
San Felipe de Austin Dec.1,1835
Henry Smith Governor
Charley B. Stewert, Secretary to executive

Governor James W. Robertson to Mathew Caldwell

Executive Department
San Felipe de Austin
To Mathew Caldwell
Dear Sir:
General Edward Burleson will place in Judge Ponton's hand $300.00 which you are by order heretofore issued, empowered to draw and appropriate for supplies for the Post of Bexar, and if you have not already read and appropriated it for this purpose. You will on receipt of knowledge of this order, procure from 4 to 6 teams of wagons, and send them to DeWitt's landing for flour, sugar, coffee, soap, candles, barrel pork, etc. for the Post of Bexar. You will immediately report to this department your proceedings and also you will advise Col. Neil of your proceedings, and send him a copy of this order.
I am your very obedient servant,
James W. Robertson
Acting Governor

George W. Davis Discharge from Texas Army
Gonzales February 12th 1836
This is to certify that George W. Davis served in the Volunteer Army of Texas from September 28th to December 10th amounting to 72 Days and is honorably discharged from the service. Given under my hand this day of the date.
Mathew Caldwell Capt.
George W. Davis
as Sub Contractor Feb. 15, 1836
In virtue of the authority vested in me
by the Provisional Government of Texas as
Contractor for the troops at and occupying
the post of Bexar. I do hereby nominate,
constitute and appoint George W. Davis of
the Municipality of Gonzales Sub Contractor
under me to perform for me in my absence
all the duties and exercise the powers and
authority vested in me by the Commission
which I have occupied from the said Provisional
Gov't. for the purpose aforesaid, and that
the SD George W. Davis is hereby as fully
authorized as I myself have been of could
do in any way also that he the SD George
W. Davis will keep a regular account of
his transactions in SD capacity and take
vouchers for all his proceedings. And report
to the Provisional Government of his proceeding;
Also advising the Commandant at Bexar of
his doings thereunto concerning. Given under
my hand this 15th day of Feb. 1836
Mathew Caldwell, Contractor

Receipts For
Supplies For The Texas Army
Col. Neil at Gonzales
Mr. George W. Davis
You will Please to issue rations for fifty
men for ten days of flour, sugar, Indian
meal, and dried beef.
Gonzales March the 6--1836
H. A. Alsbury
By Order Acting aid to
Col. J. C. Neil

*The Alamo
Fell on March 6th, 1836*
Capt. Seguin at Gonzales
Mr. Geo. W. Davis Sub Contractor for the
Post of Bexar.
You will please to let Capt.
Seguin have seven lbs. of flour. Gonzales
March 7th 1836
J.C. Neil, Lt. Col. of Artillery

Mathew Caldwell Family
Mr. Geo W. Davis Sub Contractor for the
Post of Bexar.
Sir you please let Mathew
Caldwell family have Thirty pounds of flour
for their use in his absence, Gonzales March
7th 1836
J.C. Neil, Lt. Col.

Texas Army at Gonzales
Gonzales March 8th 1836:
Received of George
W. Davis, Sub Contractor for the Post of
Ten Barrels of Flour, One Barrel
of Pork, One Barrel of Flour & 1/2 Barrel
of Bread- There were Two and a half Barrels
of Flour & a half Barrel of Sugar which
were issued in rations to the troops at
this place by my order as further appear
by orders in SD Davis's possession.
J. C. Neil Lt. Colonel of Artillery

March 13th 1836: Gonzales received news of the Fall of The
The Runaway Scrape.... |